Halloween was a great success! We all had alot of fun.
The rain stopped long enough for us to go on our community Halloween parade in the afternoon.
Thank you to everyone for bringing in wonderful treats for us to share.
This week we have been focusing on the letter "F". Students learned the song "Five green and speckled Frogs" and read and illustrated the tongue twister "Four fat frogs found food in the forest".
Our poem this week has been about apples:
How many apples do you see?
Can you count them?
One, two, three.
How many green ones?
How many red?
Now eat an apple and go to bed!
Students developed actions to go with this poem!
We started a new activity this week called "guess the word". Students work together at carpet time to complete a sentence thinking about what words might make sense. One letter at a time is revealed and they must revise their guesses until the whole word is revealed.
Next week is Remembrance Day and students will be making poppies and going to a school wide assembly in the gym. Students will be thinking about how to make our world a better place to live.
Please make sure your child brings their backpack to school everyday and check it regularly for news letters and other information. Thanks for your continued support!